Pupukahi i holomua Unite to move forward
Registration for the Georgia E. Morikawa (GEM) Center is now open. Please fill out the registration form and mail it to the address listed below. You can register individually, or as part of a 3-person team. Payments can be made online through PayPal, or you may write and send in a check. Registration includes lunch, 18 holes with cart, and an awards dinner.
Any payments made online require a hard copy registration form to be submitted.
Checks payable to: The Georgia E. Morikawa Center
Mail registration forms and payment to: GEM
P.O. Box 1671
Honolulu, HI 96806
Tournament Format:
3-Person Team
Max Handicap - Men: 30, Women: 36
Team Entry: $500.00
*indicate your team name on your registration form
Individual Entry: $170.00
*individuals will be placed on a team
For additional help, please email us at: gemgolfhawaii@gmail.com, or call/text Kamaile Hopfe at (808) 938-9625