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Our GEM Vision is to establish 

In partnership with communities, agencies, and organizations...

Effective Communication 

Assisting individuals and agencies in the translation of legal, business, and personal documents into American Sign Language (ASL), Braille, and other visual languages and formats

Education and Training

Providing education and training to deaf, hard of hearing, and deaf-blind individuals which include basic math and English, ASL, college preparation, and skill building for independent living

Creating social programs and activities for our kupuna

Services for Kupuna (Seniors)


Providing leadership and self-advocacy development opportunities and trainings 


Assist with training and support services for employment, business, and entrepreneurship

Services for Keiki (Youth)

Creating after-school, summer programs and activities for keiki in the deaf Community

Information and referral

Providing information about other businesses and referral agencies that can provide support for deaf, hard of hearing, and deaf-blind individuals, kupuna, and keiki

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